Category Archives: Permaculture

An Adventure in Soap

Powdered Laundry Soap

Day 3 of Spring break, the boys and I needed to get the HELL OUT OF THE HOUSE.

I was going stir cRaZy!!!

The DH was working on crown molding so I couldn’t even play with him or in the kitchen. **Bleh**


What to do…..what to do…what to DO!!??

I decided to make laundry soap!!! 😀

[Side Bar: After a little more research on the the net, I started a Little Black Book of recipes.

Believing we’re not going to have all modern conveniences available to us; whether it be through hyper inflation (I’m consistently seeing 20-30%), a complete collapse of the economy by other means or an attack on our electronic infrastructure. Eventually, we are going to have to rely on our collective knowledge or written resources.

What happens when ‘the net’ is gone?

Do you have enough knowledge accumulated to do it on your own?

I don’t.

Therefore, I’ve been researching and collecting books considered to be the “Bible” on a specific topic. Now, having added my new Lil’ B.B. for anything that doesn’t require a whole book, I should be on the road to a nice little library.]

So…..Powdered Laundry Soap

1 bar of grated soap (Ivory, Zote, Fels-Naptha or your own special blend)

1 cup of Borax

1 cup of Arm and Hammer Washing Soda


Jumping in the truck, we’re all off to Walmart to get out of the house, and out of his hair.    😀

I didn’t care if I just walked the damn isles for an hour or two watching people.

Doing just that, I over heard a older couple bickering at each other not being able to find whatever item. Thinking “…if he would just shut up and listen to her they would probably find it….she IS a woman in the HOUSEWARES department. Just imagine if they were in hardware and SHE was giving him that much shit……..”

Over hearing a snippet of someone’s life is very centering and peaceful, realizing that other people get just as frustrated shopping with their spouse.


I finally grabbed two boxes of Borax along with some other products to make basic cleaners, like white vinegar and ammonia. They were out of A&H washing soda and didn’t have any laundry bar soap. So I was forced to hit another store on the way home.

Fred Meyers on a Sunday….YEAH!!!!  Not.

I did find the Fels-Naptha Laundry Bar and the washing soda, Thank God!

Not, might have ruined my “burn some energy and relax” zen moment I was trying desperately to achieve. Dealing with all the yahoos on the weekend is NOT my cup of tea. They are scarey on the road, in the parking lot AND in the isles.

Not to mention…I was so PROUD, I got out of there without buying a bag of Cheetos Puffs…

I LOVE me some Puffs, but this gal makes me say…………WTF??? Really??

In tribute, my next “Adventure in Soap” will be an infused bath bar….

I think she’s going to have some serious scrubbing to do!! Can you imagine?



Hauling all the bags inside, I get a side ways look from the Hubby as he’s still laying across the counter with nail gun in hand.

I return it with my REFINED raised eyebrow look….and he falters.

***Uh huh, that’s what I thought! Just let me be, I won’t blow up the kitchen, I swear.***

In the end, being on hand for the “Honey, can you hold this?” OR “Can you shoot that?” Saved both of us a lot of frustration.  😀


This recipe is SO easy, it takes more time to gather your gadgets then it does to actually make the soap.

***And if I could shoot pictures worth a damn, I wouldn’t have to delete 95% of them. THANK GOD FOR DIGITAL!***

I used a grater to breakdown the bar and tried out the immersion blender I got for my birthday. In the next batch I’ll continue with the grater and use the food processor instead, only because it has a little higher capacity.

As the directions state (which I am often accused of not following) I should now put all this grated soap in a bowl and mix with a spoon until its the texture of a course “meal.”

Ya, ok…if I didn’t have something better to do like….

…cleaning bathrooms….

When the time comes, I am fully versed in the use of a spoon. However since we still have modern conveniences….

I’ll throw it in a handi-chopper thingy!!!

The result is nicely chopped up, but not nearly as fine as I would like.

So, I throw in a cup of Borax to help achieve a finer grind.

…..add more gratings…..

hit TURBO, and 30 seconds later…..

Before                                                                               After

Much better!

Pouring my Borax and soap into a steel bowl, I mix in the remaining cup of washing soda.

It almost looks edible… a lemon pudding mix.

This recipe fits nicely into a quart jar and it says to use one tablespoon per load of laundry. Which equates to about 47 loads. At Alaska prices…..the batch cost me $2.57. That’s between $0.05 – $0.06/load.

I won’t bore you with the “mustard test” although this recipe competes neck and neck with “Tide with Bleach Alternative”

However, what disappointed me and didn’t “pencil out” was…………………

If I washed our clothes in Tide, it would cost me $0.21/load, which is a GREAT savings. However, I’ve been buying BioKleen for lets say $10.75 a box. Which is about $0.11/load.

My dilemma; is it worth it?? 47 loads is about a months worth of laundry to me.

Then of course I got to thinking about the details.

I know the dry recipe is basically the same as the liquid recipe except that it makes 10 FREAKIN’ GALLONS. I’m not sold on dealing with 5 gallons worth of soap at a time, or finding a place for a million little bottles. That’s why I wanted the DRY. (Liquid: Duggar Family “19+ and counting”)

BUT…… just doesn’t make sense.

Looking at the liquid recipe: (The dry is dissolved into 10 gallons of water….basically)

1280oz divided by ½ cup = 320 loads for a top loaded washer ($0.008/load)

1280oz divided by ¼ cup = 640 loads for a front loaded washer ($0.004/load)

Less the a cent a load!!!

Figuring Mrs. Duggar knows her laundry soap, bless her heart…. either I need to be using closer to a QUARTER TEASPOON per load or the dry recipe is HIGHLY over soaping laundry.

Someone throw me a bone and help a sista’ out!!

You’d think diluting it THAT MUCH would damage its effectiveness, but you can’t beat “kid tested” detergent with a stick.

ANYWHO…………I’m off like a crazy woman!

Feed back greatly appreciated.

Dry Recipe found HERE: