Tag Archives: essential oils

Homemade toothpaste…

Many things have encouraged me to eliminate chemicals from my family’s daily life.

My small collection of essential oils

My small collection of essential oils

Thoughts like…

“Why are there warning labels on toothpaste?”…

“Why would I give my kids toothpaste that says, ‘Do not swallow.'” and “contact poison control”

“If it’s SO bad…why should it be in their mouths in the FIRST PLACE?”

Hello?? Fastest place to absorb chemicals is through your soft tissue, isn’t it?

Oh yeah… that’s right…. because some “scientist” told me too? I find, more often then not, overly educated people are IDIOTS and have lost sight of logic. Having been stuck in a book for so long, they no longer ponder…WHY.

I could go on with…. “What part of our body ISN’T absorbent?” BUT…I’ll save THAT ‘Bunny Trail’ for a later date.

Homemade toothpaste is SUPER EASY.

1 to 1 ratio of coconut oil to baking soda….add essential oil to taste.

Mix with a fork.

Mix with a fork.


I smoothed it out in a one ounce tin and popped it in the fridge to solidify.

I used cinnamon. It has its drawbacks….like burning the CRAP out of your face.


Talk about sensitive absorbent skin….ya, tell me about it. 😉

~I’m off like a Crazy Woman 😉

Here are some links:
Essential Oil Collection
Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Lavender, Lemon, Eucalyptus & Rosemary

My favorite brand of Coconut Oil